Preliminary Steps
  • 04 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Preliminary Steps

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Article summary

Steps to Sign up

Being a cloud-based application, signing up to use Client Onboarder is a simple and easy process. All that’s required for us to get you started is:

  • Your company name

  • The first and last name, and email address of the person who will act as the onboarding administrator

  • Your front-facing IT Glue url* (ex. [your-organization-domain].itglue .com)

…and that’s it! Once we create your organization and admin account, your administrator can log into Client Onboarder, and begin setting up your onboarding environment.

To begin the sign up process, please click the Book a Demo link or the Sign Up button in the upper righthand corner of this page.

[* your IT Glue url is needed so that once a client is exported into IT Glue, it can be viewed in IT Glue with the click of a link we provide]

Setting up your environment

Below are steps to set up your Client Onboarder environment. You also have the option of scheduling a virtual meeting with us so we can walk you through the process (free trial and premiere users only).

  • Allow email notifications from Client Onboarder

  • Build your onboarding team

  • Configure your IT Glue Connection

  • Begin onboarding clients

Allow Email Notifications from Client Onboarder

Email notifications from Client Onboarder ( are crucial as they help drive the onboarding process forward, saving time and money. Our emails shouldn’t end up in junk/spam but if that does happen, one of the following options should be taken (depending on the email application used)

  • Never Block Sender (best option)

  • Mark as Not Spam or Not Junk

Build your onboarding team

Build your onboarding team based on the specific needs of your organization. To add users, navigate to the Users tab, and click the New button to show the user Add/Edit page:

Enter First Name, Last Name, Email, and select a Role*:

  • Administrator - you can choose to have a single administrator or add more. Administrators have full permissions, including configuration, client record creation, and initiation of exports to IT Glue.

  • Manager - managers have most permissions outside of configuration, including adding users.

  • Sales Rep (optional) - Sales Reps can only create clients. When sales reps create clients in Client Onboarder, it can minimize the time between securing a client lead and beginning the client onboarding process. However this role is optional, as administrators and managers can also create clients.

  • Onboarding Engineer - responsible for reviewing all data entered by external users (accountants and current MSPs), and cannot create or view all client records; they can only view and edit the client record they are assigned to (unless they are also an administrator or manager**)

    [* For an Onboarding Engineer, leave the role empty. Onboarding Engineers are assigned within the client record, on the client landing page]

    [** Any administrator or manager can be selected as an Onboarding Engineer]

Configure your IT Glue Connection (create an IT Glue API Key)

  1. In IT Glue, navigate to the Admin tab

  2. Under Settings, select the API Keys sub-tab

  3. Under Custom API Keys, click the Add button  Image

  4. In the Name textbox, enter "Client-Onboarder-API" (this also allows for organization creation distinction, as it will be the name used in IT Glue’s Activity Logs for action “Organization created“)

  5. Check the Password Access checkbox* (necessary to export passwords to IT Glue)

  6. Click the Generate API Key button

  7. Copy the key and keep it in a secure place**. Initially the full key is revealed but returning to this page reveals only partial keys, so the full key can only be copied at the time of creation.

[* The Password Access checkbox can be left unchecked until right before an IT Glue export, if desired. However please note that doing this runs the risk of not remembering to check it before running the export and if not checked, the export will fail with Not Authorized exceptions]

[** Important!: do not let any unauthorized users have access to your API keys]

Configure your IT Glue Connection (add the IT Glue API Key to Client Onboarder - admins only)

  1. In Client Onboarder, navigate to the Organization tab

  2. Select sub-tab Integration

  3. Enter the newly created IT Glue API Key in the API Key textbox*

  4. Click the Test Connection** button

  5. If the connection is successful, click the Save button

[* Your API key is saved as an encrypted value, and viewing this page after your key is saved will show a partial key unless you choose to reveal the full key.]

[** If at some point an export from Client Onboarder fails, the Integration page can be used to verify that the connection to IT Glue is still successful. If not successful, it could be that the key expired and in such cases the IT Glue API key expiration guidelines should be consulted. If the key did expire, 1) generate a new API key in IT Glue, 2) add it to Client Onboarder, then 3) test the connection again.]

Begin onboarding clients

Your are now ready to begin onboarding clients! Start by navigating to the Clients tab, click the New button, and follow the data entry wizards. The wizards are driven by green  Next   buttons, and stars denote mandatory fields.

Initially, we recommend starting with a test client. And to make testing easier and see how the import process works, a zip file containing mock import data (ex. sites, personnel, printers, etc.) can be provided upon request.

Process Flow diagrams (to zoom in, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab)

Process Flow - high level:

Process Flow - details:

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